Timeline of National Coffee Milkshake Day 2022

National Coffee Milkshake Day timeline


Rhode Island premieres the coffee milkshake

The pharmacy, Delekta's, adds ice cream to coffee and milk to create coffee milkshakes.

Early 1900s

American milkshakes appear

They're described as "wholesome drinks made with chocolate, strawberry or vanilla syrups" with ice cream added, of course.


Coffee comes to America

The Boston Tea Party protest prompts colonial American citizens to make the switch from tea to coffee as part of their patriotic duty.

Mid-15th Century

Coffee tree appears in Yemen

Coffee beans are finally exported from Ethiopia and cultivated in Yemeni Sufi monasteries.

850 AD

Coffee plant discovered in Ethiopia

An Abyssinian goatherd named Kaldi discovers goats eating coffee berries and brings them to local monks, who cultivate the plant and start chewing the berries for energy.

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On National Coffee Milkshake Day on July 26, drink a cool beverage that will really hit the spot.  It’s hot,  you love ice cream and you can use a caffeinated, sugary boost. To your rescue comes the delicious, coffee milkshake — a product of sheer human culinary ingenuity.  National Coffee Milkshake Day encourages you to enjoy a true coffee milkshake mixed with your favorite ice cream and coffee flavors.  Discover the taste of summer!

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